Our story is great because our people are great. 

For nearly half a century, we've been leading the industry with integrity and results. Our history is still being written with the same values and vision. 

Viking Client Services started in 1969 and is a privately held payment processing, recovery, and claims managment company. Since the day we opened our doors, we have been committed to people and committed to good. We have led the industry in setting the standards for compliance, technology, and strategy.

The Bottom Line: RESULTS

Whether recoveryclaims management, or payment processing, our people produce results for our clients while leading the industry in compliance and technology. We have a demonstrated history of valuing our customers, our clients, and our employees and we've infused the industry with a culture that values results without devaluing people. 

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10050 Crosstown Cir.
Suite 300
Eden Prairie, MN 55344


seal 250 52 bbb 20958