How to Know It’s Time for a New Job

The worst time to look for a job is when you need one. You’re at the mercy of the economy, the bills you have to pay, and the clock. Time that passes and opportunities that you don’t get only seem to reinforce the urgency surrounding you. You have to find something, and you’re getting close to taking anything.

But when you don’t need a new job, but simply are ready for a new, better opportunity, that's an entirely different scenario. Deciding that it's time to move into a new job gives you a chance to take risks, to move into new industries or new positions, and push yourself beyond where you currently are.

 How can you know it’s time to move from where you are and into new opportunities? If you stay where you are, are you playing it safe or making a smart move? If you decide it’s time to move on, are you being impulsive and foolish? There’s obviously no easy answer. But there are some questions you can ask yourself to help you make the right move.

Has your current job reached it’s peak?

This is a question of your goals. Are you satisfied with the potential ahead of you at your job? If you’ve been at your current job long enough that you can see there are no new opportunities but sense that you want more out of life, there’s no shame or harm in putting your feelers out there. You'll be able to see what the job market is like, what kinds of opportunities you qualify for, and where you could potentially end up.

A word to the wise: We aware of how much you allow yourself to “check out” of your current job. It’s tough to re-engage a mind that’s been given permission to dream of leaving.

How are you running?

Are you running from something or to something? It’s easy to think that another job will solve your problems. “If I could just go somewhere where they’ll appreciate me…" are the famous last words for many employees, as they begin to pingpong from job to job, trying to find the next, best thing. But if you can honestly say that you’re desire to move into a new job is because of greater opportunity and not because you are running away from something that’s likely to exist in any job you find, it’s good to look. Run toward greater opportunities and new challenges.

What are you chasing?

You have to know yourself enough to know what motivates you. If you’re motivated by money, a new financial opportunity may be enough to give you the direction you’re looking for. But if you’re motivated by the sense of purpose or mission that your job gives you, making a move for financial reasons will be a short-lived victory. You'll find yourself in the same situation soon.

There's no perfect equation for determining when it’s time to move into a new opportunity. It simply comes down to the specific situation you’re in. But the more you can know yourself, your goals, and your motives, the more you can make the right decisions for your career and your life.

At Viking Client Services, we're committed to people and committed to good. We help people move into the right opportunities that reflect their values and align with their goals. If you think you're a good fit for our team, find out about current positions by going to our careers page.  

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