Non-English Assistance

Viking offers Spanish speaking agents and a telephone language translation service to assist with calls in languages other than English. Any written communication can be translated into Spanish 

A translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the Department of Consumer Affairs website at

Employee Reviews of
Viking Client Services

Taking Care of the People Who Make Us What We Are

At Viking Client Services, we are committed to our people and committed to their good. Our work environment supports our employees' health and wellness. We compensate fairly. We reward generously. We care about our community and we contribute to it. We engage our employees to help us solve problems. We have fun. We have excellent employee benefits. We promote our employees to positions of leadership. 

At Viking Client Services, we aren't looking for perfect people. We're looking for the right people. Below you'll see some snippets of stories about some of the right people we've hired here at Viking. They've all come here for a variety of reasons. They've all stayed here for one reason...

They’ve discovered that Viking Client Services is committed to people and committed to good.  

Meet Tori

Tori is a manager at Viking Client Services. When she was hired, it was as an account representative. Within 7 months of her first day, she was promoted to Team Lead. And after a year in that role, Tori became a manager. 

In Tori's own words: 

What makes Viking different is the executive team putting as much thought into their employees as they do the financial bottom line. I have never experienced that with any other company.

Read Tori's Story

Meet Britney

Britney wanted more than "just another job" when she accepted a position as an account representative for Viking Client Services. She didn't want something temporary or unfulfilling, but she didn't know how to express what she really did want.

What she found was something that she wasn't expecting. 

I never dreamed that customer service and billing would be what I would love to do.

Since starting, Britney’s understanding of what she could expect from a job has changed. And what makes her job at Viking really exciting is that her understanding of what she could expect from herself has also changed.

Read Britney's Story


Meet Ryan

As Ryan became acclimated to his new work environment, he discovered that Viking was different than anything he’d experienced before. The executive team listened to him. They didn’t just welcome feedback or encourage people to talk to their supervisors. They went out of their way to understand their employees. They wanted to know what was working and what needed to change. His opinions mattered. 

Ryan began to see changes within Viking based on the suggestions he’d provided to his leadership team. It was clear that leadership was listening. In Ryan's words, 

I have been given so many great opportunities since coming to Viking.  The organization values employees who step forward with new and innovative ideas and are open to changes that can bring positive improvements in the organization.

Read Ryan's Story

Meet Philip

According to Philip, a Team Lead at Viking, Viking Client Services demonstrates our commitment to people by taking care of them. With a compensation package and bonus structure that’s truly unique in this industry, employees at Viking Client Services can establish themselves here as long-term employees. 

He has learned a lot from his managers and co-workers about quality, problem-solving, and teamwork. And the thing he's seen that's truly different from anywhere else he's worked has been the way he sees Viking Client Services put our employees first. Philip said, "Meeting client goals and expectations will always be top priority, but an effective way of meeting those are with an employee base that feels like their needs and ideas are valued by management."  

Read Philip's Story

Meet Elena

"My family sees a difference in my personality when I come home from work," Elena says, "and I am more energetic and less stressed."

Work wasn't something that Elena knew could feel rewarding. In fact, when she started her job at Viking Client Services, she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a job and a paycheck. She wanted something where she could clock in, do her work, clock out, and go home. What she discovered, instead, was a place that was interested in what she had to say. She found an employer that took care of her and valued her. She found good people doing good work, and she found herself actually liking her job. 

Read Elena's Story

 Viking Client Services is committed to people and committed to good. To search open positions at Viking, click here.
To read more reviews from valued employees, click here


Finding a Job That's Different.

Finding a Job that Lasts

How do you know if a company is as different as they claim?

How many times have you heard a company say, “We’re different” only to experience the same old thing? Their product isn’t all they promised. Their warranty is filled with disclaimers. They don’t let you talk to an actual human being when you need support. They have hidden costs or exorbitant fees. 

This is especially true when it comes to finding the right place to work. Even the company with unlimited vacation time, always chilled sparkling water, and employee playgrounds is still ultimately a job with its ups and downs; its office politics and its give and take.

So how do you decide who is telling the truth and who is just saying what you want to hear? How do you know if a company you’re considering working at is worth your attention. Experience is the only real way to know, but most of the time you don't have the luxury of experience before entering into working somewhere. 

So if we can't experience before we sign up, how can we make a good decision? 

Look at the people.

How do the employees about the company? What’s their perspective on the company? Are they talking about it? What are they saying? 

This is one of the many reasons we are intentional at Viking about who is on our team. Many companies can talk about their technology innovation as their great differentiator and marketing strategy. Some talk about where they’ve been and some talk about where they’re going. 

At Viking Client Services, we talk about our people.

Our people have to be made from a different mold. When you are in a tough industry like ours with the job being just as tough, you need people who have the ability to meet a challenge. We train our team with the best technology and processes, but what makes them truly great is that they are up to the task. They want to help make our company all that it can be.

From “Just Another Company” to “Decisions I’m Glad I Made”

Are we truly doing things differently? Are we the best decision you could make? It’s easy for us to say “Yes” to a question like that, because we see things from our perspective. If we’re honest (which we are), we can’t say that every single person who’s ever worked here has found it to be one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives. We can, however, say that we want it to be. We do everything we can to make employment at Viking Client Services a rewarding experience. 

We want our employees to contribute to our workplace with their good ideas and innovation. We listen to them when they tell us something isn’t working. We acknowledge them when something is. We let them take part in building our culture and our community. We let them take part in building our processes and ask them to contribute to our conversations about what makes this a great company. 

So if you’re wondering if Viking Client Services is a place that’s different, there’s really only one way to know. Experience it. We’ll be happy to let you discover how Viking Client Services is committed to people and committed to good. 

To find out when a position becomes available that’s right for you, connect with us. We’ll keep you posted. 

 Stay in touch with Viking Client Services to learn about opportunities to work for a company that is committed to people. 
To learn more about Viking Client Services, click here.
To view current job openings, click here

Staying Motivated at Work

Time, Money, or Purpose: What Motivates You in a Job?

Work is work. It always will be. Even jobs that let you bring your dog to work or have unlimited ice cream eventually lose their appeal, because jobs still require work. Work requires performance. Performance hinges upon motivation. Motivation changes based on the person, on the day, on the culture, on the company. 

Read more ...

Temporary Employee Stories Rotator Review Page

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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Suite 300
Eden Prairie, MN 55344


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